Let's Do Lunch
Let's Do Lunch
Lunch is the best way to brighten your day, but it involves a level of imagination we don’t always have the time for. This is where Let's Do Lunch steps in. You can decide how much time you want to dedicate to your lunch, then pick a straightforward, satisfying meal and get cracking. At the heart of this book is this lack of fuss. There will be no challenging techniques, hard-to-find ingredients or decadent cooking times. Just quick, accessible and clever recipes that will have you wondering how on earth you managed to make something so delicious in so little time.
The book is filled with encouraging tips and tricks to help energise and transform your cooking experience from something you have to do into something you look forward to doing. All recipes are all light on meat and fish, with the emphasis on fresh vegetables, grains, cheese and nuts so you can feel energized until dinner.